Christian Distinctiveness

As a Church of England school, and a part of the Diocese of Guildford and The Good Shepherd Trust, we are a Christian community participating in daily acts of collective worship and working in close partnership with our local churches, particularly St. Nicolas.

We pride ourselves on our theologically-rooted vision; one that welcomes, nurtures and guides every member of our community to succeed.

Collective Worship
Inclusive; Invitational; Inspiring.

'Collective worship is the unique heartbeat of a Church school and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together.' (Church of England)

Collective worship is an important part of school life at Cranleigh. We use 'Roots and Fruits' to ensure our worships are carefully planned, and both children and staff alike look forward to the daily opportunities to come together to sing, celebrate, pray and reflect.

We regularly welcome members of our local Church community to lead Worship, and help us to understand Bible stories and their relevance to the current day.

We observe and celebrate the main Christian festivals of Harvest, Remembrance, Christmas and Easter with classes leading services at St. Nicolas Church for parents/carers to attend (please see our school calendar).

Our Collective Worship Timetable:






Bible Story focus


'Open the Book' Church-led


Celebration Worship


Researcher David Hay conceived spirituality as a universal human trait which transcends both language and religion. Although it may be expressed through religious faith by some, it is not the property of religion. Dr. Rebecca Nye defines children’s spirituality as ‘relational consciousness’ or relational awareness: an expression of their ‘emerging awareness of themselves in relation to others, the world and God.'

At Cranleigh C of E Primary, we therefore understand that spirituality does not need to be found in religion and can be closely linked with mindfulness. Spirituality can be found in nature, a song, an image, a piece of writing, a moment that can't necessarily be defined. As such, we ensure our children are provided with an environment to feel proud of and find solitude in; opportunities to experience and make music of various genres both in and out of school; educational visits which immerse them in nature; and curriculum opportunities which enable freedom of expression through a variety of media.

For further information on any of the above, please contact R.E. and Collective Worship Lead Miss E. Killick, or Headteacher Mrs K. Pelazza on 01483 273286.

Collective Worship Guidance - Church of England