Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our Mission:
To nurture belief and ensure the highest standards of learning for all

The Salamanca Statement adopted and widely endorsed at the World Conference organised by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain in Salamanca, Spain in 1994, laid down the fundamental principle of inclusion at school:

“All children should learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have. Inclusive schools must recognise and respond to the diverse needs of their students”.

Since then, the concept of inclusion has broadened, emphasising the need to reach all learners, under the assumption that every learner matters equally and has the right to receive relevant, equitable and effective educational opportunities.

As stated in the Cali Commitment, 2019, inclusion:

“represents a commitment to making preschools, schools, and other education settings, places in which everyone is valued and belongs, and diversity is seen as enriching”. 

More recently, the importance of ensuring more inclusive education systems to cater for the needs of the most vulnerable learners and communities was further stressed during the United Nations Transforming Education Summit held in New York in September 2022.

Every learner matters and matters equally.

This is what inclusion is about.

And this is what drives our community at Cranleigh C of E Primary School.

Pupils with SEND access all aspects of our mainstream provision alongside their peers. We have high expectations for their attainment and progress, and ensure staff have the knowledge and skills needed to provide excellent support. Our team consists of senior members who have both specialist and mainstream experience in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and SpLCN.

Our team is committed to developing their practice based on the most up-to-date research.

Our SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo have both been awarded the NASENCo qualification.

In March 2024, Headteacher Mrs Kate Pelazza travelled to UNESCO's headquarters in Paris to attend the Global Schools' Forum in Inclusive Practice. She is also one of 14 members of IFIP's Global Principals' Forum whose aim is to challenge and influence global policy makers on their inclusiveness. 

Pupils have access to a variety of interventions as part of our SEND Offer as seen below:

SENDCo:  Mrs J Mills
Assistant SENDCo:  Mrs N Jackson

Telephone: 01483 273286

Email: senco@cranleighprimary.co.uk  

Please find our SEND policies below: