
On behalf of the pupils, parents, my dedicated team, and our Local Committee, welcome to Cranleigh Church of England Primary School, part of The Good Shepherd Trust.

It is a privilege to serve this welcoming and supportive community as Headteacher. Cranleigh is a large village near Guildford, Surrey. Rooted in our strong Christian ethos, we maintain close ties with the Church of St. Nicolas which has been central to our village since 1170 AD.

Throughout my career, I have been deeply committed to ensuring that every pupil, regardless of their background or starting point, is given the best possible opportunities to thrive. As a mum of triplets, I also understand the importance of knowing your child is safe, happy, and nurtured. Together, as a school community, we strive for excellence and continue to move our school forward.

I warmly invite you to visit us. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to speak with me or a member of my team.

Mrs Kate Pelazza, NPQH