

We are passionate about ensuring that all children become confident and enthusiastic readers and writers, and we believe that phonics provides the foundations for these skills. In order to support this aim we follow the Little Wandle: Letters and Sounds Revised phonics scheme.

The Little Wandle progression information can be downloaded below.


Once pupils complete the Little Wandle Phonics and Early Reading programme and can read fluently with confidence, they progress to whole-class guided reading in Key Stage 2. These daily lessons develop wider reading skills such as vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval, sequencing, and summarising (VIPERS). Using carefully chosen fiction, non-fiction, and poetry linked to the curriculum, pupils read aloud confidently, tackle complex vocabulary, and engage in rich discussions and varied tasks to deepen their understanding of texts. Each class also reads a novel together every half term, exposing pupils to diverse authors, settings, themes, and historical periods. These sessions, designed to foster a love of reading, include one weekly guided reading discussion to explore the novel in greater depth.


We follow Talk for Writing to teach Writing throughout the school. 

Talk for Writing has an outstanding impact on schools and is based on the principles of how people learn. Children move from imitating texts through to innovating them and then apply knowledge learnt in the final independent application stage.

Typically, schools have found that children initially double their rate of progress and, where the approach has been applied systematically across a setting, many schools have moved from dire results to outstanding success. Schools already performing well have not only increased attainment, but also enjoyment and engagement.


We use Letter-join throughout the school to teach handwriting. Documents attached below.


For more information, please contact the co-English Leads, Miss A Brockman (Writing), Miss L West and Miss S Khan (Phonics and Reading), on 01483 273286.


Whole School English Intent

Phonics - Reception and Year 1 Long-Term Progression Overview

Writing Long Term Plan - 2024-25

Whole School Progression in Skills - Speaking, Reading and Writing

Handwriting Scheme